Episode #4: Today I’m going to be talking about the importance of having an attitude of gratitude, love is the highest vibration, and the way that we get there is by feeling into how grateful we are for every breath that we take, for every day that we get to step on this beautiful earth and ascend with her. We are all going to new heights and we will be exploring all of that more together on this journey that we’re taking, to enlightenment and self-exploration and ultimate healing and happiness. We are laying the foundation right now for that exploration by having a beautiful morning mindset practice.
Ready? Let’s get started…
• We’re appreciating, right when we wake up, our brain is really open to suggestion, so that is a beautiful time to say your affirmations. There’s a book that I’ve read called Happy Pocket Full of Money, and there were some affirmations that I gained from that book. (6:39)
• You can start doing a little bit of visualizations, how would you like your day to go? Because if you don’t have an idea of what you’re wanting to see, then you could have lots of surprises, but if you’re going into your day visualizing before your feet even touch the ground. What would you see? Why not imagine the best. (8:04)
• You can reflect and start doing some deep breathing, getting yourself ready for bed. And as you’re falling asleep, being thankful for the things that happened in your day that you loved, because being thankful for the things that you loved, that’s going to bring more of what you’re desiring into your next day. (10:04)
• These are ways that we incorporate the darkness of our feminine and the light of our masculine. They do this beautiful infinite dance together when we tune in and know the dance is happening. That’s when the magic starts to happen. (11:20)
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