Gaining Clarity On Love

The Power of a HUG
February 21, 2021
Innerstanding the Power of I AM Statements
March 7, 2021

Episode #6: My healing journey. Wow. It has been a very long journey indeed, I had an art therapist when I was very young, when I finally had the courage to let my mom know… Such a scary conversation to have. That I was being molested. The first thing that she did was get me into art therapy, and it was such a healing journey to be able to be with other children. It was group therapy, but had had similar experiences to me. Some of their experiences were beyond belief. I almost needed therapy for the therapy I was having when they started sharing their stories. But to learn the importance of healing through art, and healing through sharing, was so important for me. So as I have gone through my healing journey, there’s been lots of ups and downs, lots of peaks and valleys, and the part I wish that I would have known from the beginning is that when we hold ourselves with compassion and love and we have that strong foundation, so much of our healing just happens naturally.

Listen in to hear more…


• When you look at the definition of love in the Webster dictionary, it says, ‘A strong affection for another, rising out of kinship or personal ties’. So, I feel like that’s leaving a lot out, because if we can’t love ourselves the way that we want someone else to love us, then the love that we are seeking from others isn’t going to be the nourishment that we need. (4:20)

• I was on some rampage to her talking about some flaw that I felt like I had, and she said, ‘Lark, I really think that you have body dysmorphia’. And that was a beautiful mirror that she held up for me that really shifted so much of my life and I realized how critical I was of myself, how demeaning, how mentally abusive. So I’m coming to you from a place of recovering from that kind of abuse that I gave to myself. (6:44)

• I offer my story to reveal that all stories of compassion are the same story, and the journey back home to the heart, water directly taught me about the meaning of Karuṇā compassion. When I prayed into the water and ingested it, the water would flow to every darkness that my awareness was too afraid to touch out of the shame or guilt, it was the water that carried my prayer everywhere I needed to reconcile the wounding within me. (9:15)

• It’s an epic journey of self-exploration, and when you go with the intention to love, all the parts that you find, that is when a huge shift happens. This week, my challenge for you is to look at that sliding scale or look at that spectrum of love, and be really honest with yourself, where are you? Are you in a deep love affair with yourself? Are you waking up in the morning and loving every toe, every hair, every part of yourself, every cell, loving yourself at a cellular level? (14:54)


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